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Class Instructional Objectives

Early Learners

Use Level A as a guide, but fit curriculum to needs of the class.

Level A

Basic theory/musical terms and concepts such as:

Scales with syllable shapes and names

Staff, clefs, notes, rests

Voice parts and line identification for each

Beat concepts, rhythms

Basic conducting/directing patterns

Sing basic melodies and harmonies as able with and without accompaniment

Basics of the voice and how it works

Level B

Basic theory/musical terms and concepts such as:

Major scales, minor scales, and key signatures

Building a major scale using the major scale pattern

Intervals within an octave

Notating rhythms of compound and simple meter

Counting rhythms using multiple meters

Notate a melody with a range of up to a 5th

Sing basic intervals and be able to know what those intervals are

Conduct patters of 2, 3, 4, 6/8, and 12/8

Conduct songs that begin with beats other an the down beat (off beats and up beats)

How to start a song and how to cut one off

Level C

Basic theory/musical terms and concepts such as:

Construction of major and minor scales

Write and identify key signatures

Notate and identify all intervals within an octave

Sing and notate as many diatonic and chromatic intervals as possible

Count rhythms in multiple meters

Notate rhythms in multiple meters

Notate a basic melody with a range of up to an octave

Conduct songs that begin on the offbeat or upbeat

How to start and end a song

Identification of the basic elements of a song (what it's made up o and how it's constructed)

Level D

Basic theory/musical terms and concepts such as:

Review of all scales and key signatures

Learn Triads and Intervals (inversions included)

Dominant 7th chords (and inversions)

Singing in unison and in harmony with at least one other voice part unaccompanies

Basics of song construction and elements of harmony

Conducting in all meters

Concepts and fundamentals related to directing a small group/choir

Notation of rhythmic and melodic patterns using an octave and multi-mixed not patterns

Level E

Basic theory/musical terms and concepts such as:

Review of Triads, Dominant 7th chords, and Intervals

Basics of Figured Bass

Harmonization of a melody

Dictation and notation of varying rhythmic and melodic patterns

Song construction (including form and structure)

Composition of original melodies and lyrics

Composition and experimentation with four-part writing

Concepts of church choir conducting/directing


Basic theory/musical terms and concepts such as:

Skills taught as needed including the notation of basic rhythm and melody

Song directing using multiple meters

Identification of clefs, voice parts

The purpose of melody, harmony, and how a song is constructed accordingly

Concepts of key signatures and scames

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